Attending this event?
Tuesday, October 22

8:30am CDT

Equity and Access Through Counting Collections in Grades 3-5
Tuesday October 22, 2024 8:30am - 9:15am CDT
Young mathematicians are motivated by the challenge of organizing, counting, and representing collections. This session introduces counting collection trajectories, formative assessment tools that allow elementary teachers to understand and advance student thinking in grades 3-5.

Amy Reno

Great Minds

Meg Edwards

Great Minds
Tuesday October 22, 2024 8:30am - 9:15am CDT
Room 113

8:30am CDT

Level Up Problem Based Learning with Technology!
Tuesday October 22, 2024 8:30am - 9:15am CDT
Facilitating inquiry, collaboration, and discussions is essential for students to see themselves as mathematicians and make connections that deepen understanding of mathematical concepts. Dynamic and interactive technology make this challenging work easier for teachers to make different student thinking visible. Experience elementary math lessons that incorporate technology in different ways to learn more and learn about free math lessons.
Tuesday October 22, 2024 8:30am - 9:15am CDT
Room 115

8:30am CDT

Math Practice, Prevention, and Intervention by Trusted Math Authors
Tuesday October 22, 2024 8:30am - 9:15am CDT
Reasoning and understanding are the pathway to helping students make sense of the math they're learning. So how do we build students numerical reasoning, sense making, and problem solving while also building key foundational concepts, such as numbers and operations, place value, algebraic thinking, fractions, and more?

Join us to explore strategies for how to provide high quality differentiated instruction while also keeping pace with the guidance and demands of the Iowa Standards for Mathematics? We’ll learn why thinking and reasoning, a process unique to each learner, is so critical to students’ mathematical understanding and a pathway to proficiency in elementary school on through more advanced math. What might classroom intervention look like that develops both understanding about the content and why the procedures make sense?

Come and experience the math resources from Heinemann and learn how they can be used to help students see patterns and make connections and develop mathematical practices. We will share lessons and games that offer multiple access points and strategies to best support students in achieving mathematical proficiency. We'll also share more about digital differentiation through Matific, an award-winning digital learning platform, available in more than 40 languages, that can also be mapped to high quality instruction and intervention by trusted math author Marilyn Burns.

Michele Lynch

Math @ Heinemann
Tuesday October 22, 2024 8:30am - 9:15am CDT
Room 108

8:30am CDT

Meme-ingful AND Mathematical
Tuesday October 22, 2024 8:30am - 9:15am CDT
The MathMemeTeam uses popular culture and internet memes to explore and push against mathematical tropes that have been dispelled time and time again. "Asians are naturally good at math" or "women cannot do math" have proven to be inaccurate socially constructed themes, yet still exist across the internet in mathematical internet meme (MIM) form. In this session, we will explore five such tropes and discuss how you can help push back against these flawed perspectives.
Tuesday October 22, 2024 8:30am - 9:15am CDT
Room 112

8:30am CDT

10 Big Ideas about Fluency
Tuesday October 22, 2024 8:30am - 9:15am CDT
Computational fluency is much more than basic facts and algorithms. It is complex and teaching it well is challenging. To find success, we must know and leverage 10 big ideas about. This session unpacks those big ideas arming participants with practical know- how for advancing their students’ fluency. Learning will be complemented with ready-to-use classroom resources.
Tuesday October 22, 2024 8:30am - 9:15am CDT
Large Conferene Room B (107)

8:30am CDT

Principles of Designing Tasks that Develop Student Mathematical Skills of Conjecturing and Proving through Programming
Tuesday October 22, 2024 8:30am - 9:15am CDT
In our session, we will share key principles that could guide teachers in designing tasks to develop students' mathematical skills of conjecturing and proving through programming.
Tuesday October 22, 2024 8:30am - 9:15am CDT
Room 109

8:30am CDT

Teaching Algebra I for Understanding
Tuesday October 22, 2024 8:30am - 9:15am CDT
Participants in this session will experience algebra I lessons that engage students in concepts and promote deeper understanding. of graphing linear equations, translating words to expressions, and identifying linear vs. exponential situations. Participants will be given the materials so they can do them in their classrooms the next day!
Tuesday October 22, 2024 8:30am - 9:15am CDT
Room 114

8:30am CDT

8:30am CDT

The Floor is Lava: Creating Mathematical Possibility by Constraining Mathematical Possibility
Tuesday October 22, 2024 8:30am - 9:15am CDT
Rich mathematical activity is often associated with open problems, and we rarely pair the limits on student actions with an increase in mathematical possibility. However, in this session we consider how playing with what is forbidden in a mathematical task can help us design and use problems that open doors to deep mathematical understanding.
Tuesday October 22, 2024 8:30am - 9:15am CDT
Large Conferene Room A (106)

8:30am CDT

Why are we doing this? Reconsidering division of fractions
Tuesday October 22, 2024 8:30am - 9:15am CDT
Have you ever wondered why your students have failed to grasp the concept of dividing fractions? During this session, we will explore "traditional" methods and how they are a disservice to students and offer alternative methods that promote conceptual understanding.

Amber Anderson

North Cedar Community School District

Heather Gallivan

University of Northern Iowa

Hannah Zwanzinger

University of Northern Iowa

Jody Hurd

Sixth Grade Teacher
Tuesday October 22, 2024 8:30am - 9:15am CDT
Room 208

9:25am CDT

Building Bridges between Data Science and Mathematics at the Secondary and Post-Secondary Levels
Tuesday October 22, 2024 9:25am - 10:10am CDT
Our talk will focus on an interactive lesson that emphasizes common concepts between data science and mathematics. The lesson uses regression to build a bridge between data science ideas and prior mathematical experiences through a shared language. This activity can be used with high school students and has been used a tool to develop preservice teacher knowledge to teach data science. We will include a discussion of transition issues and perspectives under consideration by the Iowa Higher Education Mathematics Transitions Advisory Council (I-HEMTAC).

Eric Weber

Iowa State University

Heather Gallivan

University of Northern Iowa
Tuesday October 22, 2024 9:25am - 10:10am CDT
Room 109

9:25am CDT

Building Mathematical Grit: Integrating Dr. White's G.R.I.T. Framework to Foster Resilience and Self-Efficacy in Students
Tuesday October 22, 2024 9:25am - 10:10am CDT
This interactive session will explore how to build mathematical grit in students in the classroom. The session will incorporate Dr. India White's G.R.I.T. Framework, as highlighted in her TEDx Talk "The Power of Grit”. This framework emphasizes Growth, Resilience, Self-Efficacy and Time-Management, providing a comprehensive approach to building grit in students.
Tuesday October 22, 2024 9:25am - 10:10am CDT
Large Conferene Room A (106)

9:25am CDT

Coding Connections: Enhancing Math Understanding in K-5 Classrooms
Tuesday October 22, 2024 9:25am - 10:10am CDT
Join us for an exciting K-5 math session that explores the power of integrating computer science with math concepts! We'll dive into strategies for seamlessly weaving coding activities into your existing lessons to enhance several math concepts and practices. Discover how integrating unplugged activities and age-appropriate programming tools like Scratch and Blockly can deepen their understanding of math content while increasing student engagement. You’ll learn practical strategies and hands-on activities designed to blend coding with your math curriculum without adding minutes to your day. Gain valuable insights, resources, and inspiration to empower your students to become confident mathematicians and coders in our increasingly digital world.
Tuesday October 22, 2024 9:25am - 10:10am CDT
Room 114

9:25am CDT

Neurodivergence Doesn't Stay Home on Test Day!
Tuesday October 22, 2024 9:25am - 10:10am CDT
Neurodivergence (Specific Learning Disorders, ADHD, and autism) is a way of thinking and processing information, even on test days! Learn why accurate, consistent accommodations are key to student success in this interactive session. Participants are encouraged to bring their own student stories, IEP or 504 plans, and lots of questions.
avatar for Honora Wall

Honora Wall

Owner, EduCalc Learning
I love talking about dyscalculia! I focus on the "low 30"-- the bottom 30% of any math class. I know we can help these struggling students without adding to our workload or changing our math curriculum. I believe in an old school (not old method), low-tech (but not tech-free), pragmatic... Read More →
Tuesday October 22, 2024 9:25am - 10:10am CDT
Room 112

9:25am CDT

Better Serving Our Multilingual Learners in the Math Classroom
Tuesday October 22, 2024 9:25am - 10:10am CDT
This session challenges the misconception of "watering down" rigorous math for Multilingual Learners (MLs) because of limited English proficiency. Through reflection, discussion, and a collaborative math task, we will explore Math Language Routines and additional strategies to engage and support MLs in the math classroom.

Katie Rygh

Iowa City Schools

Heather Hansen

Iowa City Schools

Hannah Cole

Iowa City Schools

Nicole Hegewald

Iowa City Schools
Tuesday October 22, 2024 9:25am - 10:10am CDT
Room 108

9:25am CDT

Foundations for Fluency
Tuesday October 22, 2024 9:25am - 10:10am CDT
Fluency is built on a foundation of understanding and skill within a range of concepts. This session unpacks those essentials helping participants recognize how they build toward greater fluency. It is perfect for the elementary teacher or anyone designing interventions for students in later grades. A collection of classroom resources will be provided.
Tuesday October 22, 2024 9:25am - 10:10am CDT
Large Conferene Room B (107)

9:25am CDT

Intersection of Mathematics and Science
Tuesday October 22, 2024 9:25am - 10:10am CDT
Mathematics is fundamental to science learning. Come explore the intersections of these disciplines, how they support each other, and how teachers can intentionally integrate the disciplines.
avatar for Christopher Like

Christopher Like

Science Program Consultant, Iowa Department of Education
I taught high school science for fifteen years in Bettendorf before becoming the district's STEM Coordinator for eight years. I have been at the Iowa Department of Education since August 2022. In terms of specialties, I would include science education and research, computer science... Read More →
Tuesday October 22, 2024 9:25am - 10:10am CDT
Room 115

9:25am CDT

Math in Action through STEM Teacher Externships
Tuesday October 22, 2024 9:25am - 10:10am CDT
Iowa STEM Teacher Externships are a great opportunity to see math in action in real world situations. Learn more about this unique experience for Iowa Math teachers and hear the stories of teachers that have been through the program. This is a great chance to build school workplace partnerships and help answer questions like "When will I ever use this?" or "Why do I have to learn this?" STEM Teacher Externships engage teachers in hands on projects that not only increase math awareness but also career readiness and math content. Start your STEM Teacher Externship Adventure today!

Dr. Sarah Derry

South Central Regional STEM Manager, Drake University

Casey Wenstrand

Southwest Regional STEM Manager, Southwestern Community College

Allison Walders

Math Teacher and STEM Teacher Extern, North Union
Tuesday October 22, 2024 9:25am - 10:10am CDT
Room 113

9:25am CDT

Multiple Group problems: Tools to develop student’s understanding of fraction
Tuesday October 22, 2024 9:25am - 10:10am CDT
We will explore Multiple Groups problems, student strategies for solving these problems, important fraction concepts and the impact of number choice. Problems will be shared.

Building student understanding of fractions is an important part of Iowa Academic Standards for Mathematics at grades 3-6. This session will focus on Multiple Groups problems as a tool to develop students’ conceptual understanding of fractions. The goal of this session is to learn about the different strategies students use to solve Multipole Group problems, the important mathematical concepts students investigate when solving these problems, and the impact of number choice. Participants will engage in solving Multiple Group problems and analyzing student work. In the process of analyzing student work, participants will identify the important fraction concepts students develop with this problem-based approach to fractions. This will engage participants in conversations regarding essential understandings of fractions. Along with analyzing student strategies, participants will analyze problems with respect to number choice and investigate the impact numbers have on student thinking. Teachers will leave with a summary of problems to try out with their students.
avatar for Olof Steinthorsdottir

Olof Steinthorsdottir

Univeristy of Northern Iowa
Tuesday October 22, 2024 9:25am - 10:10am CDT
Room 208

10:20am CDT

Connecting Number Sense and Algebraic Representations for Deep Learning
Tuesday October 22, 2024 10:20am - 11:05am CDT
Deep learning is supported by creating opportunities for students to make mental representations. Join me for an algebraic maths party! We will discuss different algebraic visualizations and how we can help students become creative algebraic thinkers and problem solvers. Tasks, teaching strategies, and connections to number sense development will be provided.
avatar for Cathy Williams

Cathy Williams

Co-founder & Director, youcubed at Stanford University, Youcubed
Cathy Williams is the Co-Founder and the Executive Director of youcubed. Previously Cathy served as the Director of K-12 Mathematics in the Vista Unified School District where her professional development series earned a California State Golden Bell Award. Cathy’s former roles have... Read More →
Tuesday October 22, 2024 10:20am - 11:05am CDT
Large Conferene Room A (106)

10:20am CDT

Increasing Opportunities for Students in Mathematics
Tuesday October 22, 2024 10:20am - 11:05am CDT
We have seen that far too many students are not experiencing success in math. We can’t just blame the kids. There are steps we can take to address this. Let's begin by examining the impact of structures, practices, and policies we have in place, and how we can create new structures, and implement effective teaching practices to engage students to succeed in math.
Tuesday October 22, 2024 10:20am - 11:05am CDT
Large Conferene Room B (107)

10:20am CDT

Building a Thinking Classroom - Reflections
Tuesday October 22, 2024 10:20am - 11:05am CDT
Dr. Peter Liljedahl was the 2002 ICTM conference keynote speaker. His topic was a newly published pedagogy, Building A Thinking Classroom. By the time of this conference, he will have 3 different publications on this. In the pedagogy, he gives 14 things to do in a classroom that are any teacher can do (so, not tied to personality etc.), which are shown to improve student learning.

I’ve implemented BTC strategies for two years now in Burlington schools and would like to share some of my own and my students’ reflections on the experience. This defies the traditional “I do, we do, you do,” approach. Students are often much more highly engaged. The biggest surprise was how in the beginning students were afraid of being placed into random groups, whereas in the end, this was their favorite part.

If you are interested in trying this yourself or if you have tried it and have your own comments about it, this is the session for you. As part of the session I will share with you my BTC problem sets for algebra 1 and geometry.
avatar for Mark Vasicek

Mark Vasicek

Mathematics Teacher, Burlington Community Schools
During Covid I created Illustrative Mathematics lessons on DESMOS.Last year, I created geometry lessons for Building a Thinking Classroom, using Illustrative Mathematics as the basis.I'm sharing that information with you. Ask me about it. Ask me about my experience using BTC in the... Read More →
Tuesday October 22, 2024 10:20am - 11:05am CDT
Room 108

10:20am CDT

College Expectations in Iowa, Barriers to Success and Recommendations
Tuesday October 22, 2024 10:20am - 11:05am CDT
In this session, we will present consolidated recommendations related to students' mathematical preparation for college coursework for public and private colleges and universities within the state. In addition, we will share how students are and will be placed into first-year courses based on majors and courses taken in high school, barriers to success, and recommendations.
avatar for Sergio Loch

Sergio Loch

Professor of Mathematics & Computer Sciences, Grandview University
Born and grew up in Southern Brazil. Undergraduate degrees in Brazil in Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics & Physics, PhD in Applied Mathematics from University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee, Post-doc University of Minesotta, IMA30 years of teaching at Grand View University, member of... Read More →
Tuesday October 22, 2024 10:20am - 11:05am CDT
Room 114

10:20am CDT

Exploring Addition and Subtraction Problem Types with Hands-On Manipulatives
Tuesday October 22, 2024 10:20am - 11:05am CDT
Join us for an engaging exploration into the world of addition and subtraction problem types with the help of hands-on manipulatives. In this interactive session, participants will delve into innovative methods for modeling various problem types using tactile tools, fostering flexible thinking and a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts among learners.

Throughout the session, participants will be guided through the twelve distinct problem types with activities designed to demonstrate how manipulatives can be effectively utilized to represent addition and subtraction problems. Attendees will learn how to leverage manipulatives to visualize, strategize, and solve mathematical equations with confidence.

This session offers practical strategies for transforming students into flexible problem solvers. Don't miss this opportunity to unlock the power of hands-on manipulatives in modeling addition and subtraction problem types. Come prepared to engage, collaborate, and leave inspired with new ideas to enrich your math instruction. Join us and embark on a journey to make math meaningful, accessible, and enjoyable for all learners!

Rob Curran

Tuesday October 22, 2024 10:20am - 11:05am CDT
Room 113

10:20am CDT

Exploring Conjectures by Upper Elementary Students
Tuesday October 22, 2024 10:20am - 11:05am CDT
We will describe the types of conjectures that students in grades 3-5 make in the content areas of fractions, decimals, and number properties as we explore the mathematical content embedded in the conjectures and how to extend their thinking.
avatar for Chepina Rumsey

Chepina Rumsey

Associate Professor, University of Northern Iowa

Lauren Bork

University of Northern Iowa
Tuesday October 22, 2024 10:20am - 11:05am CDT
Room 208

10:20am CDT

Learning About Fractions in Order to Teach About Fractions
Tuesday October 22, 2024 10:20am - 11:05am CDT
How well do you really understand fractions? Join us as we start with some foundational fraction concepts and work our way up to an introduction of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing. We'll also learn how to apply the 8 Mathematics Teaching Practices to our teaching of fraction concepts. Come ready to jump in and try some of the activities with us!
avatar for Lori Mueller

Lori Mueller

Math Consultant
Tuesday October 22, 2024 10:20am - 11:05am CDT
Room 109

10:20am CDT

Strategies to Promote Discourse in a Thinking Classroom
Tuesday October 22, 2024 10:20am - 11:05am CDT
Want to facilitate mathematical discourse with your students through Building Thinking Classrooms strategies? Participants will collaborate on a math task that promotes student thinking while experiencing visibly randomized teams, verbal instructions, and working on vertical whiteboards. The session closes with task consolidation that models NCTM’s 5 Practices and reflection on teacher moves necessary to facilitate this discourse with students.
Tuesday October 22, 2024 10:20am - 11:05am CDT
Room 112

10:20am CDT

Unlocking Mathematical Thinkers: Explore Learnings’s Innovative Solutions for Grades 3 - 12
Tuesday October 22, 2024 10:20am - 11:05am CDT
Dive into Explore Learning’s Math Gizmos, Reflex, and Frax—dynamic digital tools designed
to support conceptual understanding in mathematics for Grades 3–12. These solutions
make math effective and enjoyable, turning learning into an engaging experience. Discover
how connecting different mathematical representations helps students build strong
conceptual models and enhance their reasoning skills.
In this interactive session, participants will explore simulations that offer concrete, visual,
and abstract models, making challenging math concepts more accessible. Join us to transform
math instruction with innovative, interactive tools!
avatar for Cassie Harrelson

Cassie Harrelson

National Consultant, Explore Learning
Tuesday October 22, 2024 10:20am - 11:05am CDT
Room 209

10:20am CDT

The first year(s): A panel for preservice and new teachers
Tuesday October 22, 2024 10:20am - 11:05am CDT
Are you a beginning or future elementary or secondary math teacher? If so, this session is for you! In this panel discussion, you will be able to learn from people in the field and ask questions about launching your career. Expected topics include survival tips, time management, navigating rough patches, and whatever else is on your mind. Panel members include elementary and secondary teachers who are 3-5 years into their career.
Tuesday October 22, 2024 10:20am - 11:05am CDT
Room 115

11:15am CDT

Alternative pathways to Graduation for Students Who Struggle
Tuesday October 22, 2024 11:15am - 12:00pm CDT
For many students, Algebra 2 and precalculus are daunting options, yet these students need to meet math credit graduation requirements. Two full-year courses, Advanced Algebra with Financial Applications, and Hands-On Statistics, will be scrutinized. They provide excellent options for two upperclass core course math credits. Participants will be exposed to sample projects, lessons, and activities, and samples of student-completed finance and statistics projects.
avatar for Robert Gerver

Robert Gerver

Teacher, North Shore High School
Robert Gerver, Ph.D. received the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics Teaching from President Ronald Reagan in 1988, and his Ph.D. from New York University in 1990. He has authored 27 math books and numerous journal articles. His math research program, Writing Math Research... Read More →
Tuesday October 22, 2024 11:15am - 12:00pm CDT
Room 112

11:15am CDT

BINGO! Games × Stories × Lessons = Math Fun^3
Tuesday October 22, 2024 11:15am - 12:00pm CDT
Building deep engagement and learning in math means trying new approaches. During this computer session, participants will explore first-hand an elementary math program rated Exemplary by the Iowa Governor’s STEM Advisory Council that incorporates games, stories, problem solving, and lessons to promote math practices, enhance understanding, and foster engagement. Participants will learn how a team of third grade teachers in North Central Iowa transformed their classrooms so much that students had to be encouraged to stop playing math games to go home for the summer. Participants are encouraged to bring a device (tablet, laptop) to the session.

Jenn Kulow

Red Rock Elementary

Kim Hartford

Red Rock Elementary
Tuesday October 22, 2024 11:15am - 12:00pm CDT
Room 113

11:15am CDT

Math-ish Activities!
Tuesday October 22, 2024 11:15am - 12:00pm CDT
In this session, we will explore different classroom activities inspired by the ideas and research in Math-ish. The activities will be appropriate for students in grades K-12. We will work together on the ideas, diving deeply into mathematical concepts with an ish lens.
Tuesday October 22, 2024 11:15am - 12:00pm CDT
Large Conferene Room A (106)

11:15am CDT

A Story about Princess Tenacious and The Kingdom of Ten to Teach Subtraction
Tuesday October 22, 2024 11:15am - 12:00pm CDT
avatar for Robert M. van Deusen

Robert M. van Deusen

Math Interventionist, Mary Walsh Elementary
I just finished my 52nd year as an educator. During those years I have been a an elementary classroom teacher, a junior high math teacher, a K-8 principal, and an associate professor of elementary math instruction. I am now a math interventionist at my local elementary school working... Read More →

Tuesday October 22, 2024 11:15am - 12:00pm CDT
Room 114

11:15am CDT

Equal Sharing: Tools to develop student’s understanding of fraction
Tuesday October 22, 2024 11:15am - 12:00pm CDT
Building student understanding of fractions is an important part of Iowa Academic Standards for Mathematics at grades 3-6. This session will focus on Equal Sharing problems as a tool to develop students’ conceptual understanding of fractions. The goal of this session is to learn about the different strategies students use to solve Equal Sharing problems, the important mathematical concepts students investigate when solving these problems, and the impact of number choice. Participants will engage in solving Equal Sharing problems and analyzing student work. In the process of analyzing student work, participants will identify the important fraction concepts students develop with this problem-based approach to introducing fractions. This will engage participants in conversations regarding essential understandings of fractions. Along with analyzing student strategies, participants will analyze problems with respect to number choice and investigate the impact numbers have on student thinking. Teachers will leave with a summary of problems to try out with their students.
avatar for Olof Steinthorsdottir

Olof Steinthorsdottir

Univeristy of Northern Iowa
Tuesday October 22, 2024 11:15am - 12:00pm CDT
Room 208

11:15am CDT

One must walk before they can run: Students reading mathematical texts
Tuesday October 22, 2024 11:15am - 12:00pm CDT
As students advance in mathematical knowledge, they may experience increased difficulty understanding the discipline. This difficulty may not be caused by the increasingly complex mathematical ideals, but rather the ability of a student to access the knowledge through the media presented. We live in a world where annual tests are reality, and a student who struggles to decipher text and image will find themselves at a disadvantage every time. With some new focus on reading strategies naturally utilized by students, perhaps we can help their efforts.
Tuesday October 22, 2024 11:15am - 12:00pm CDT
Room 115

11:15am CDT

Shifting Math Instruction to Support Student-Centered Problem Solving
Tuesday October 22, 2024 11:15am - 12:00pm CDT
We will explore innovative strategies and practical techniques to empower students to take ownership of their mathematical learning. From fostering collaboration and discovery to incorporating real-world applications, discover how educators can shift traditional practices to create engaging, student-centered learning experiences that inspire curiosity and cultivate mathematical proficiency. Participants will gain access to resources and tasks that they can begin using in their classrooms to support student-centered problem-solving.

Dr. Kurt Salisbury

Amplify Desmos Math
Tuesday October 22, 2024 11:15am - 12:00pm CDT
Room 109

11:15am CDT

Supporting Productive Struggle through manipulatives
Tuesday October 22, 2024 11:15am - 12:00pm CDT
Supporting productive struggle involves utilizing rich mathematical tasks that engage students in solving and discussing. Manipulatives can be utilized as a representation to help each and every student with such tasks by providing an entry point. Additional strategies to support productive struggle will be shared.
Tuesday October 22, 2024 11:15am - 12:00pm CDT
Large Conferene Room B (107)

12:00pm CDT

3-5 Optional Lunch Room to Connect
Tuesday October 22, 2024 12:00pm - 12:45pm CDT
Tuesday October 22, 2024 12:00pm - 12:45pm CDT
Room 109

12:00pm CDT

6-8 Optional Lunch Room to Connect
Tuesday October 22, 2024 12:00pm - 12:45pm CDT
Tuesday October 22, 2024 12:00pm - 12:45pm CDT
Room 112

12:00pm CDT

9-12 Optional Lunch Room to Connect
Tuesday October 22, 2024 12:00pm - 12:45pm CDT
Tuesday October 22, 2024 12:00pm - 12:45pm CDT
Room 113

12:00pm CDT

K-2 Optional Lunch Room to Connect
Tuesday October 22, 2024 12:00pm - 12:45pm CDT
Tuesday October 22, 2024 12:00pm - 12:45pm CDT
Room 108

12:00pm CDT

Tuesday October 22, 2024 12:00pm - 12:45pm CDT
Lunch for all conference participants can be picked up in the hallway on the first floor and eaten in the conference rooms nearby.
Tuesday October 22, 2024 12:00pm - 12:45pm CDT
Large Conference Rooms A & B (106 & 107)

12:00pm CDT

Post-Secondary Optional Lunch Room to Connect
Tuesday October 22, 2024 12:00pm - 12:45pm CDT
Tuesday October 22, 2024 12:00pm - 12:45pm CDT
Room 114

12:45pm CDT

ICTM Business Meeting & Awards
Tuesday October 22, 2024 12:45pm - 1:15pm CDT
Tuesday October 22, 2024 12:45pm - 1:15pm CDT
Large Conference Rooms A & B (106 & 107)

1:15pm CDT

Math-ish – Enchant your students with the ish version of maths!
Tuesday October 22, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm CDT
In classrooms, math is almost always precise, but in the world, it is almost always ish. When we bring ish into our classrooms, it allows students to think freely and connect with the world. It also helps them think conceptually about numbers. In this keynote, you will get many classroom ideas for developing a more inclusive math environment.
Tuesday October 22, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm CDT
Large Conferene Room A (106)

2:25pm CDT

Experience First, Formalize Later
Tuesday October 22, 2024 2:25pm - 3:10pm CDT
Math Medic is a free curriculum designed to engage students in daily group activities for Algebra, Geometry, Algebra II, Pre-Calculus, AP Statistics, and AP Calculus.  The curriculum is written by high school teachers who are in the classroom daily and constantly working to implement and improve the content each and every day.

In this session you will experience an activity, see the built in structure for the lesson (activity guide and answer key), and see how the assessment platform can be used for your students.  This program will hopefully be on the STEM Scale-UP menu for this upcoming summer, and this can give you a taste of what the “EFFL” method of teaching looks like before you take the leap into the world of Math Medic!

Tuesday October 22, 2024 2:25pm - 3:10pm CDT
Room 109

2:25pm CDT

Math Isn't Yucky: Games and Activities to Create a Positive Mindset
Tuesday October 22, 2024 2:25pm - 3:10pm CDT
In this session, you'll learn about several games & activities that you can do with students to show them that math isn't yucky! You'll have a chance to see several games and activities in action from Mathigon, Math for Love, and more. The games and activities are easy to integrate into your existing class to keep students excited about math. ​
avatar for Kevin Smith

Kevin Smith

Associate Professor of Mathematics Education, Dakota State University
I'm a professor in the College of Education at Dakota State University. I teach math methods, STEM, and educational technology courses. I am also the Program Coordinator for our Master of Science in Educational Technology (MSET) degree. I recently wrote and illustrated by firs... Read More →
Tuesday October 22, 2024 2:25pm - 3:10pm CDT
Room 114

2:25pm CDT

Tangible Equitable Practices in Mathematics: Closing the Achievement Gap and Making Equity Work
Tuesday October 22, 2024 2:25pm - 3:10pm CDT
This session will provide educators with actionable strategies to promote equity in mathematics education and close the achievement gap. By integrating equitable teaching practices, participants will learn how to create an inclusive and supportive learning environment that empowers all students to succeed.
Tuesday October 22, 2024 2:25pm - 3:10pm CDT
Large Conferene Room A (106)

2:25pm CDT

Exploring Strategies for Supporting Students with Dyscalculia in Elementary Math: A Hands-On Workshop
Tuesday October 22, 2024 2:25pm - 3:10pm CDT
Join us for an interactive session designed to empower elementary educators with practical strategies for supporting students with dyscalculia in the math classroom. Dyscalculia, a specific learning disability in mathematics, can present unique challenges for students, but with the right tools and approaches, educators can make a significant difference in their learning journey.

In this workshop, participants will gain a deeper understanding of dyscalculia and its impact on mathematical learning. We will explore evidence-based strategies and interventions tailored to the needs of students with dyscalculia and engage in hands-on activities and simulations to experience firsthand the challenges faced by students with dyscalculia.

Whether you're a classroom teacher, special education educator, or math specialist, this workshop will provide you with the knowledge and tools needed to support students with dyscalculia and help them succeed in math.

Rob Curran

Tuesday October 22, 2024 2:25pm - 3:10pm CDT
Room 113

2:25pm CDT

No Problem at All
Tuesday October 22, 2024 2:25pm - 3:10pm CDT
Explore strategies that help students develop a deeper understanding of concepts through interacting with each other and their teachers. Participants will engage in activities that enhance their knowledge of problem-based instruction, as they explore how it develops conceptual understanding in students. Participants will walk away with effective strategies for using problem solving to enhance students’ learning and tools to engage students in interactive learning.
Tuesday October 22, 2024 2:25pm - 3:10pm CDT
Room 108

2:25pm CDT

Teaching Data Science to High School Students and Preservice Teachers
Tuesday October 22, 2024 2:25pm - 3:10pm CDT
Our talk will focus on a data science activity that uses the Traveling Salesman problem to teach data science concepts of optimization and modeling. This activity can be used with high school students as well as a tool to develop preservice teacher knowledge to teach data science

Heather Gallivan

University of Northern Iowa

Eric Weber

Iowa State University

Ian Tunnicliff

University of Northern Iowa

Ryan Friedhoff

Iowa State University
Tuesday October 22, 2024 2:25pm - 3:10pm CDT
Room 112

2:25pm CDT

The Mathematical Power of Building to Specifications
Tuesday October 22, 2024 2:25pm - 3:10pm CDT
Mathematics class often descends into a predictable pattern where mathematical objects are presented and then students are asked to identify and describe their properties. In this session, we will explore tasks that do the exact opposite: they give a set of identifying properties and ask
students to build mathematical objects to these specifications. Using examples from a variety of topics across the middle and secondary grades, we will unpack the power of asking students to be mathematical designers and not simply mathematical describers.
Tuesday October 22, 2024 2:25pm - 3:10pm CDT
Large Conferene Room B (107)

2:25pm CDT

Unlocking Success with Iowa Math Standards
Tuesday October 22, 2024 2:25pm - 3:10pm CDT
Join Presenters Dr. Carrie Hepburn, Dr. Sherri Lorton and Constance Hallemeier from Compass PD.  The Compass PD team has invested over 1,500 hours unpacking all of the 2024 Iowa Academic Standards for Math, and they’re eager to share the key insights and strategies you can apply immediately. Whether you’re looking to tackle this work in-house or explore other ways to leverage our expertise, this session will provide multiple pathways to ensure your school or district is ready to excel with the new standards.
In this session, you will learn:
  • The exact steps Compass PD took to unpack the standard
  • How to identify the knowledge needed for mastery
  • Using the information to develop tools 
    • for formative assessments,
    • to design learning experiences,
    • and evaluate student work
  • Key insights we discovered during the process
  • A clear path to implementing these strategies for immediate success
  • Q&A Session
Tuesday October 22, 2024 2:25pm - 3:10pm CDT
Room 208

2:25pm CDT

Active Engagement in Early Field Experiences
Tuesday October 22, 2024 2:25pm - 3:10pm CDT
What are strategies for early field experience students (pre-student teaching) to engage in classrooms meaningfully? How can an early field experience be mutually beneficial for the mentor teachers (and their students) and the pre-service teacher? Mentor/cooperating teachers, professors, and pre-service teachers come ready to share your ideas as well as gather new ideas to create active engagement for optimal field-based learning for future mathematics teachers.
avatar for Megan Balong

Megan Balong

Instructor, University of Northern Iowa
Tuesday October 22, 2024 2:25pm - 3:10pm CDT
Room 115

3:15pm CDT

Prizes & Thank Yous
Tuesday October 22, 2024 3:15pm - 3:30pm CDT
Tuesday October 22, 2024 3:15pm - 3:30pm CDT
Large Conferene Room A (106)
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